5 years ago
Tues Mar 10, 2020 1:06am PST
Launch HN: Youcallme – Never “wait on hold” for customer support again
Hello HN, my name is Julian and I hate "waiting for the next available agent". Last year I started my first business and found myself dealing with the CRA (that's Canada Revenue Agency for the non-Canadians amongst us) fairly often as we were learning some of the ropes in filing corporate taxes. Nearly every call was at least an hour on hold. I asked the CRA to implement a callback service. Needless to say they didn't, so I built youcallme (http://youcallme.io) to solve this problem for myself.

The way it works is you enter in the phone number you want to call on the web tool and you receive a phone call as soon as the next agent is available. If there is a pre-recorded menu system we do speech-to-text to display the options as text messages you can respond to over chat.

Behind the scenes our system is making the call on your behalf and waiting on hold until an agent comes available. We're able to detect when it's a human on the other line before calling you. We've tested this tool on hundreds of phone numbers and it seems to work quite well.

I feel like I have a new "hammer" in hand and it's been fun using it for other phone calls I (and my friends) have had to make recently (e.g. telehealth: 2+ hours on-hold during the COVID-19 outbreak; bell: 40+ min; and other customer support companies, etc).

I thought I should share my solution with others, so I am launching youcallme: a service to make it so you never have to wait on hold again. I'm very keen on hearing if this is a frustration for others and esp. business who this may cost money (anecdote: my wife's work hired an intern to call our city's courthouse since wait times could be up to an entire day for the filing departments).

If you feel this service would be useful to you or just have thoughts on how we can make this a more useful tool, please reach out! We're eager to get the community's input, in the comments below, registering on our page, or contacting us at contact@youcallme.io

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