4 years ago
Fri May 29, 2020 5:32pm PST
Ask HN: How do you feel about income sharing agreements (ISAs)?
For context, I'm teaching an 8-week Python for Bioinformatics course in a couple weeks. In retrospect maybe it's unsurprising, but I wasn't expecting so many students to register with the hopes of switching careers. My expectations were more along the lines of people who are and plan to continue in lab, but wanted to expand their skillset.

At the same time, I've been reading a lot about ISA's and they seem to make a lot of sense. If a student's primary goal is to learn a new skillset to get a new job, shouldn't their education organization be incentivized to do everything possible to get them a new job? The more I think about how people are willing to shell out $200-250k up front to go to a University who has little incentive to make sure the student ends up with a job, the more unreasonable it seems.

I'm curious if any of you have thoughts to share having experienced ISAs on either the student or company side of things. General feelings about the arrangement are also welcome. Thanks in advance!

For more context about the course: https://mycodestories.com/

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