2 years ago
Wed Jul 20, 2022 4:57pm PST
Ask HN: How to deal with growth experiments impacting engineering work
Hey everyone,

The company I'm working at has a growth team which basically means in our team of PM + engineers + designers we also have + Growth Manager who's job is basically to design and run a load of experiments to increase some metrics about the product.

But (obviously?) when I say "run experiments" what I mean is "get the engineering team to implement loads of stuff and then track it over the week". This is fine, because usually its pretty simple stuff, but her tickets never seem to get prioritised and so she ends up only running like one experiment a week and I think she's pretty demoralised about the whole thing.

I know companies like Amazon AB test everything, so there must be good best practices here? Does anyone know any strategies or products that would help either: - Her do it herself? (seems unlikely she could get everything done without engineering support, but maybe she could do some simple stuff) - Us to work more effectively as a team and actually get more experiments shipped.


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