2 years ago
Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:42pm PST
Ask HN: Publish old projects even though the source code embarrasses you by now?
I have some game projects that were released almost ~15 years ago (https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/asylumsquare/list/100010). Of course, from today's perspective, they have some issues (low 4:3 resolution, for example).

I made the games available for free on Steam because I thought they might still find some players who enjoy them, even if they are of course a bit old-fashioned here and there.

I'm now thinking about releasing the source code as open source. I'd really like to do that, because I think it might be interesting for some people. And if people create new ports or mods/improvements, that would be pretty awesome.

However, from today's perspective, the source code is not very well structured - so it's a bit embarrassing. I'm torn on whether to publish it or not, because it might reflect badly on me as a developer. How would you handle that?

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