1 year ago
Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:30pm PST
Show HN: Pinggy – What are you doing?
When we released Pinggy a month ago, we just launched with a bare minimum to convey our product idea. Now, we are adding more features, with the highly requested features that meet our product vision.

Comments: Today we are happy to introduce the comment feature, now you can comment on other users' statuses. All comments stay as long as the status lives. In other words, whenever a user updates his status, the comments made on the previous status get deleted.

Avatars: Now you can attach your avatar (or display picture) to your profile.

Dark mode: Are you a dark mode fan? Now Pinggy will be in dark mode if you have chosen dark mode for your mobile/computer.

New home page: Not a feature. But we are happy and proud to update our home page to a modern design.


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