I'm Ved, I came across the pain point of having a reader that could provide threads as articles after scrolling them many times and missing the context of the original info shared.
To solve my itch I decided to build a thread reader without Ads(all existing sol. were full of them), since X/Twitter API was very pricey, I did some reverse engineering to convert rendered X.com/twitter pages to an API and host it in a VM (which obv. was dead cheap).
All of your data is saved in LocalStorage. Including your comments and saved threads(there is a known issue with Linux and MacOS browsers i think).
Code is open-sourced at : https://github.com/vednig/unlaceapp
App is available at : https://unlace.app
There are two views inbuilt in app
Reverse Engineered X API is available at https://xapi.betaco.tech/x-thread-api?url=https%3A%2F%2Fx.co...
Meanwhile you can enter any twitter thread url on https://unlace.app to get a clean and read friendly article.
Here's the stack(if anyone's interested):
- NextJS
- FastAPI
- Selenium
That's all folks, looking towards a productive feedback session.