Don't get me wrong I'm a huge fan of AI and the recents developments, that have made it look more natural. But overall the need for original and authentic connection has increased over the last few years,especially after covid-19, AI models are good at generating summaries and explaining a concept but fail to connect with readers. And the presence of bad actors utilizing AI to generate spam content over the internet has impacted the quality of searches. Which I believe is only going to increase, see the reports available here
Due to which the internet as a source for information and it's basic mission seem to be sidelined I've designed MVIII for searches to be more content focused and accurate to the terms you're searching for than Google, they're independent of classic page rank(in terms of backlink, domains among others etc.), which means, whether you have more backlinks or not, you don't have to compete for ranking with established brands or big tech companies, all you have to do is focus on your content and it's relationship to the query;
Currently the website index database is only 72k website paths which for reference is a lot smaller than any other search engine
some samples searches I've tested on:
Thank you for reading till the end, I'd like to hear your feedback with the service.Feature requests or new ideas are also appreciated.
The stack(if anyone's interested):
- VanillaJS (Frontend)
- MongoDB (Backend)
- FastAPI (Python/Backend)
- Firebase and Sevalla for Hosting
Also API is simple and available for free for anyone to use at