1 week ago
Wed Feb 26, 2025 1:15pm PST
Show HN: Appseed – Static binaries provided relative shared objects in Linux
TLDR: A "semi" static binary which can run on any Linux created in a folder structure for better deduplication and something simple that I wish anybody can understand

I also just wanted a tool from which people can probably understand and build upon to their freedom which I mention in the article , someone could use tar to convert it into a decent static object like thing and others could create deduplication of shared objects as well. Its written in MIT , so hack it all you want fellas !

I am a big fan of hackernews and recently many of its posts commented about creating blogs as well.

So this is my first blog about how Claude 3.7 created what I believe to be a pretty cool tool in my opinion in just two prompts. I am not trying to jump on AI Hype but I am going to be honest , I was not expecting it to be this quick.

I also just wrote everything in a more honest way and one of the reasons I also wrote this was probably because someone donated me a domain name and I had learned cloudflare tunnels around it (took me time on archlinux oof metric server , but that alone was worth it) and I just didn't want to waste the fact that I own a domain so I created this blog. Its Hosted on cloudflare pages , although my next blog will probably touch on something about these tunneling solutions which I believe to be a much better thing but I am trying to push that project to its most extreme but maybe perfection is the enemy of the good :)

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